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Front Mission 1st Remake Game Review

It is 2090 and world wars are fought using giant war machines called Wanzers. Huffman Island is the location of you can find the Oceania Cooperative Union, (O.C.U.) is located. as well as the Unified Continental States (U.C.S.) are neighbors that share a border on land. This is a hotbed of conflict.

An O.C.U. An observation platoon led by Captain Royd Clive has been designated to investigate the U.C.S. munitions plant. The plant is attacked by U.C.S. Wanzers. The incident triggers a sequence of incidents that plunge entire island into battle. Royd’s fiancee, Lieutenant Karen Meure, goes missing in action.

Royd was discharged from military service . He sets out to learn what happened to Karen. He is closer to the truth and those responsible.

Front Mission is, with hundreds of characters and a mature storyline, is finally one of the finest strategic Japanese RPG, available globally.

As reviewed by undertale porn gane

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